The garden doesn't have to be boring in winter!
There are quite a few plants and shrubs that we can enjoy during the dark winter months.
The many varieties of Viburnum like V. tinus
or V. bodnantense which is highly scented, are a good choice for any garden. Winter jasmine Mahonia japonica, witch hazel Hamamelis mollis, and the red barked dogwood Cornus alba sibirica look fantastic on a winters day. Helleborus and snow drops also bloom in the midst of winter.
Still, I'm looking forward to the abundance of May and June. Mustn't be greedy and wishing my life away, after Christmas the days will be getting longer. In the meantime I shall be looking at ways to improve my winter garden and find interesting seeds to plant in the spring. Although I find that 'seed business' a hit and miss. I had some success with snapdragons (antirrhinum) and verbena bonariensis. This year, 2017, the rain seems relentless. It's been raining on and off since September, getting worse. On this cheerful note, things can only get better!
18 January 2018, Hurricane 'Friederike' had a good go at my garden. The Rest of the fir tree is in my neighbours garden. I'm sorry, neighbour.
Just before the worst of the hurricane I stepped into the garden and took some photos. The witch hazel is in full bloom. Viburnum tinus 'Lisa Rose' is doing well and the little vinca tells me that spring is on its way.
Mahonia japonica in February and in May.
Mahonia Japonica 10. December 2017.
I do love the snow, but only for a day. I do love the rain, but only at night. I do love the winter, but not a lot. I love dark nights, NOT.
The branches of the evergreen Magnolia in the snow. This looks like a black and white photograph, which it isn't. My poor Eden rose laden with snow. Not really a cheerful sight. Better days to come, if it hasn't died by the end of winter. Never mind, at least the climate isn't as cold as in some countries. Just expect the unexpected. A heatwave of three weeks in June and after that rain without end.
Early March 2017
A touch of spring in the air
The first signs of spring are here. Although most of the time it is still cold outside and probably raining, many plants are already in bloom. The first camellias are out. Hyacinths with their beautiful scent are out in flower as well as the bridal wreath Spirea Arguta. I wanted that Spring feeling indoors so I picked some hyacinths.